2007 Concerts
June 6: Yokohama Blitz, Kanagawa (start of Parade Tour; 7 dates) (guest Runaway Boys)
- Setlist:
- Angelic Conversation
- Baby, I Want You.
- Buster
- My Fuckin' Valentine
- Girl
- Nocturne -Rain Song-
- Rendezvous
- Spider
- Romance
- Diabolo
- Muma - The Nightmare
Encore: - Montage
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Iconoclasm
- Speed

June 15: Okinawa
June 16: Zepp Sendai, Miyagi (guest J)
- Setlist:
- Angelic Conversation
- Baby, I Want You.
- Buster
- My Fuckin' Valentine
- Girl
- Nocturne -Rain Song-
- Rendezvous
- Spider
- Romance
- Muma - The Nightmare
- Iconoclsm
Encore: - Diabolo
- Montage
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed

June 23: Zepp Fukuoka (guest Michiro Endo)
- Setlist:
- Angelic Conversation
- Baby, I Want You.
- Buster
- My Fuckin' Valentine
- Girl
- Nocturne -Rain Song-
- Rendezvous
- Spider
- Romance
- Muma - The Nightmare
- Iconoclsm
Encore: - Diabolo
- Montage
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed

June 30: Zepp Osaka (guest Balzac)
- Setlist:
- Angelic Conversation
- Baby, I Want You.
- Buster
- My Fuckin' Valentine
- Girl
- Nocturne -Rain Song-
- Rendezvous
- Spider
- Romance
- Muma - The Nightmare
- Iconoclsm
Encore: - Diabolo
- Montage
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed

July 1: Zepp Nagoya, Aichi (guest Kiyoharu)
- Setlist:
- Angelic Conversation
- Baby, I Want You.
- Buster
- My Fuckin' Valentine
- Girl
- Nocturne -Rain Song-
- Rendezvous
- Spider
- Romance
- Muma - The Nightmare
- Iconoclsm
Encore: - Diabolo
- Montage
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed

July 7: Zepp Tokyo (guest Masami Tsuchiya, Abingdon Boys School) (end of Parade Tour)
- Setlist:
- Angelic Conversation
- Baby, I Want You.
- Buster
- My Fuckin' Valentine
- Girl
- Nocturne -Rain Song-
- Rendezvous
- Spider
- Romance
- Muma - The Nightmare
- Iconoclsm
Encore: - Diabolo
- Montage
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed

August 17: Rising Sun Rock Festival in Ezo, Tarukawa Wharf, New Port of Ishikari Bay, Otaru City, Hokkaido
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Baby, I Want You.
- My Fuckin' Valentine
- Montage
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Spider
- Romance
- Muma - The Nightmare
- Iconoclasm
- Speed

September 8: Buck-Tick Fest On Parade at Yokohama Minato Mirai, Kanagawa (guests Kiyoharu, J, Masami Tsuchiya, Michiro Endo, Balzac, Age of Punk, Runaway Boys) [recorded and released as the live video Buck-Tick Fest 2007 On Parade]
- Setlist:
- Baby, I Want You.
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Romance
- Diabolo
- Muma - The Nightmare
Encore: - Speed
- Jupiter

September 22: Saitama Bunka Center (start of Tenshi No Revolver Tour; 31 dates)
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Aku No Hana
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed
September 24: Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, Yokohama
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Romance
- Aku No Hana
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
September 27: Parthenon, Tama City, Tokyo
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Aku No Hana
Encore II: - Kyokutou Yori Ai Wo Komete
- Machine
- Speed
September 29: Toyota Shimin Kaikan, Aichi
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Aku No Hana
- Speed
September 30: Aichi Kinrou Kaikan, Nagoya
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Kyokutou Yori Ai Wo Komete
Encore II: - My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Machine
- Speed
October 6: Tochigi Sogo Bunka Center
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Kyokutou Yori Ai Wo Komete
Encore II: - Machine
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed

October 7: Gunma Ongaku Center, Takasaki
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Speed
- Romance
- Aku No Hana
October 9: C.C. Lemon Hall, Shibuya, Tokyo
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Romance
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed
October 10: C.C. Lemon Hall, Shibuya, Tokyo
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Uta
Encore II: - Misshitsu
- Aku No Hana
- Speed
October 12: Nagano Kenmin Bunka Kaikan Naka Hall
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Romance
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed
October 14: Niigata Bunka Kaikan
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Kyokutou Yori Ai Wo Komete
Encore II: - Machine
- Aku No Hana
- Speed
October 18: Kurashiki Geibunkan, Okayama
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
- Speed
Encore II: - Romance
- Kyokutou Yori Ai Wo Komete
October 20: Fukuoka Shimin Kaikan
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Romance
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed
October 21: Kagoshima Shimin Bunka Hall Dai Ni
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Kyokutou Yori Ai Wo Komete
- Aku No Hana
- Speed
October 23: Kumamoto Kenritsu Gekijo Engeki Hall
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Uta
Encore II: - Misshitsu
- Machine
- Speed
October 26: Osaka Festival Hall
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Romance
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed
October 28: Sun Port Hall, Takamatsu City, Kagawa
- Setlist:
- Rendezvous
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Romance
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed
November 3: Morioka Shimin Bunka Hall, Iwate
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Baby, I Want You.
- Speed
November 4: Koriyama Shimin Bunka Center Naka Hall, Fukushima
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Iconoclasm
Encore II: - Romance
- Machine
- Speed
November 8: Omiya Sonic City, Saitama
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Baby, I Want You.
Encore II: - Romance
- Iconoclasm
- Machine
November 10: Kyoto Kaikan Dai Ichi
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Baby, I Want You.
Encore II: - Iconoclasm
- Machine
- Speed

November 11: Nara 100 Nen Kaikan
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Uta
Encore II: - Iconoclasm
- Speed
- Physical Neurose
November 13: Kanazawa Bunka Hall, Ishikawa
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Baby, I Want You.
Encore II: - My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Machine
- Speed
November 18: Yokosuka Geijutsu Gekijo, Kanagawa
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Speed
Encore II: - Muma - The Nightmare
- Romance
- Physical Neurose
November 23: Izumity 21, Sendai, Miyagi
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Aku No Hana
Encore II: - Baby, I Want You.
- Physical Neurose
- Speed
November 25: Sapporo Kyoiku Bunka Kaikan, Hokkaido
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Machine
Encore II: - Romance
- Baby, I Want You.
- Speed
November 28: Chiba Bunka Kaikan
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Iconoclasm
Encore II: - Romance
- Physical Neurose
- Speed
December 2: Shizuoka Shimin Bunka Kaikan
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Aku No Hana
Encore II: - Iconoclasm
- Baby, I Want You.
- Physical Neurose
December 4: Ehime Kenmin Bunka Kaikan Sub Hall
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Baby, I Want You.
Encore II: - Silent Night
- Iconoclasm
- Speed
December 6: Kobe Kokusai Kaikan Kokusai Hall
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Baby, I Want You.
Encore II: - Silent Night
- Muma - The Nightmare
- Physical Neurose
December 8: Alsok Hall, Hiroshima
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Baby, I Want You.
Encore II: - Silent Night
- Romance
- Speed
December 21: Aichi Kousei Nenkin Kaikan, Nagoya
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru To Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Baby, I Want You.
- Jupiter
Encore II: - Silent Night
- Die
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed
December 22: Osaka Kousei Nenkin Kaikan
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru To Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Romance
- Silent Night
Encore II: - Sexual XXXXX!
- Die
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed
December 29: Nippon Budokan, Tokyo (end of Tenshi No Revolver Tour) [recorded and released as the live video Tenshi No Revolver]
- Setlist:
- Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight
- La Vie en Rose
- Montage
- Lily
- Cream Soda
- My Funny Valentine
- Tight Rope
- Snow White
- Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru To Gokai Subete Gokai Da
- Spider
- Zekkai
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Beast
- Revolver
- Rain
Encore I: - Sid Vicious on the Beach
- Baby, I Want You.
- Jupiter
Encore II: - Sexual XXXXX!
- Die
- My Eyes & Your Eyes
- Speed