Releases: Videos

Buck-Tick Fest 2007 On Parade
release date: April 2, 2008
company: BMG/Funhouse
formats: DVD (BTFES-01~02 box set; BVBR-11103 single disc) Region Free
initial price: ¥10,000 box set; ¥5000 disc 1 only
goodies: first pressing limited edition box set included 2 discs and photo book, first copies sold included a hand towel
Disc 1:
- Just One More Kiss (Kiyoharu)
- Into the Light of the 13 Dark Night (Balzac)
- Monster (Runaway Boys)
- Physical Neurose (Age of Punk)
- My Fuckin' Valentine (Attack Haus)
- Warsaw No Gensou (Endou Michirou)
- One Fine Morning (Theatre Brook)
- Spider & Spanish Pirates (Masami Tsuchiya)
- Innocent Sorrow (Abingdon Boys School)
- Aku No Hana (Rally)
- Iconoclasm (J)
- Nukumori (MCU)
- Alzir On (Marko Nastic Remix) by Pedro Delgardo (Ken Ishii)
- Theme of B-T
- Baby, I Want You.
- Rendezvous
- Alice in Wonder Underground
- Romance
- Diabolo
- Muma - The Nightmare
- Speed
- Jupiter
Disc 2: Rest Room
- Parade Tour and Buck-Tick Fest On Parade documentary
- comments from the opening bands
from the DVD case:
VTR Staff
director: Yo Ohashi (disc 1), Kazuhiro Tokumoto (disc 2 limited edition only)
producer: Ko Ikeda (Uno)
production manager: Yuta Mariyama (Super Bomb), Yasuki Tsuchida (Meguruhoncho Moguribu), Shigeki Wada, Shinpei Sawabe (Super Bomb)
scripter: Akiko Noguchi
technical director/director of photography: Seiji Fujimoto (Wowow)
TM: Masahiko Ozawa (Wowow)
SW: Akira Harishima (Wowow)
VE: Mitsuaki Miyahara (Wowow), Kenichi Komura (Wowow), Ienori Otomo (Dolly-Mu), Satoshi Tobita (V-Out), Toyokazu Kobayashi (Inuya Production)
VTR: Yutaka Takano (Inuya Production), Nobuya Hashimoto (Inuya Production), Takashi Kanehara (Inuya Production)
aud: Tetsuya Kiku (Totsu)
camerama: Toshihiko Okuno (Wowow), Keisuke Tanabe (Wowow), Kojiro Kawasoe (Club C's Entertainment), Kenji Koyasu (Club C's Entertainment), Hiroyuki Ichihara (Club C's Entertainment), Ayako Owada (Club C's Entertainment), Yoshinori Inukai (Inuya Production), Hideki Shibasaki (Kyoritz), Tomoshige Hamura (Kyoritz), Ryohei Matake (Kyoritz), Eiko Ijiri (Kyoritz), Rie Matsumura (Kyoritz), Hitomi Maeda (Dolly-Mu), Ken Eguchi, Kazuhiro Tokumoto
camera assistant: Masaki Tokoro (Wowow), Hiroyuki Sakamoto (Wowow), Ayako Okuyama (Kyoritz), Ikue Ebisawa (Kyoritz), Takashi Suzuki (Kyoritz), Kota Endo (V-Out), Yumiko Toyama (Dolly-Mu), Yuki Miyauchi (One Two One Two), Shiho Mochizuki (Inuya Production), Kaori Yoshida (Inuya Production), Tetsuya Akiyoshi (Inuya Production), Wataru Inoue
grip: Toshihiro Nakamura (SIS), Keisuke Takimoto (SIS), Hirohide Ibusuki (SIS), Satoru Kurihara (SIS), Takuya Kato (SIS)
online editor: Masaji Sekii (Maruni Studio)
online edit assistant: Yutaka Kimura (Maruni Studio)
MA: Mayumi Kawakami (Maruni Studio)
DVD Authoring Staff
opening menu design: Kunio Anazawa (Next Inc.)
authoring by: Katsutoshi Kitamura (JVC Mastering Center)
Live Recording Staff
recorded & mixed by: Hitoshi Hiruma
recording system: SCI
recording staff: Kaori Hashizume, Ryotarou Miura, Yujiro Saito, Yusuke Naito, Shinya Tanaka
Concert Staff
fest director: Tatsuya Yamanaka (Sogo)
fest assistant director: Satomi Terada (I'Rocks Japan)
stage producer: Yoshiharu "Komaru" Sasaki (Back-Up Project)
stage director: Keizo Kotaki (Back-Up Project), Atsunori Masubuchi (Back-Up Project), Yui Suzuki (Back-Up Project)
stage manager: Tadashi Furuhashi (Momox), Yosuke Inoue (Full Flat), Ichiro "Sasuke" Nakayama (J's Network), Yoshinori Hayashi (2001 Create)
stage designer: Yusuke Miyazaki (Shimizu Oct Inc.)
stage art: Chihiro Natori (Shimizu Oct Inc.)
stage carpenter: Tadashi Shinpo (Nihon Stage)
sound planner: Hiroshi Inoue (Hibino Sound)
monitor operator: Tohru "John" Sugeno (Hibino Sound)
sound technician: Ayako Yoshida (Hibino Sound), Keita Katayama (Hibino Sound)
lighting director: Koji Sugano (Hi-8)
lighting operator: Saori Kobayashi (Hi-8)
lighting follow spot: Sakiko Arita (Tokyo Butai Showmei)
moving light operator: Yuichi Suzuki (Master's Company)
LED screen operator: Takeo Tsuji (Shimizu Oct Visual)
special effect: Takayuki Komine (Slash)
fireworks: Skytech, Inc.
equipment technician: Itsunari Takio (Bigboat Spirit), Kazutaka Minemori (Master Tone), Shigeo Azami, Kazuyuki Arai, Junya Sato (Moby Dick)
power source operation: Masaru Sakai (ICC Internationl)
transportation: Yasuaki Yasaki (Trans World), Hiroyuki Watanabe (Trans World), Makoto Oosawa (Trans World)
fest area construction: Marushin Plaza
security service: Shimizu Yokohama
promoter: Sogo Tokyo, KM Music, Wess, GIP, FOB, Cygnus, Sunday Folk Promotion, Sogo Osaka, Greens, Now West One, Yumebanchi Duke, BEA, PM Agency
Buck-Tick Fest Committee Staff
A&R director: Takachi (Banker)
A&R: Tatsuya Yamanaka (Sogo), Ko Ikeda (Uno), Jiro Onoyama (White Lilly)
publishing staff: Taeko Nomura (Circles Music Publishers), Yuuko Honda (Fourth Dimension Productions)
A&R desk: Mayumi Kaneko (Banker)
information desk: Rumi Ikeda (Banker)
sales planner: Taizo Tanaka (Decorations, Inc.), Takayuki Oohashi (Decorations, Inc.)
official writer: Yuichi Masuda
official photographer: Masa (Alegre), Kazuko Tanaka (CAPS), Chie Kato (Caps), Hiroyasu Take
official web designer: Kanae Hashimoto (Command N Co., Ltd.)
visual coordinator: Tomohiro Inoue (Next Inc.)
art direction & graphic designer: Kunio Anazawa (Next Inc.)
graphic designer: Yasunori Goi (Next Inc.)
assistant designer: Masafumi Tomohiro (Next Inc.)
supervisor: Hiromi Yoshizawa
special thanks: Fernandes, Burny, Greco, Ludwig, BMG Japan all staff, Cool Corporation Ltd., Diesel Corporation, Elements Ltd., Evilegend-13 Co. Ltd., Flying Cat Co. Ltd., Fullface Records Inc., Fourteen Co. Ltd., Hit or Miss, Loversoul Co. Ltd., Michiro Office, Musicmine Inc., New Standard Inc., Office Intenzio, Palm Entertainment Inc. Parfit Production Co. Ltd., Prana Inc., Sidewalk Artist Room, Team S, Urglitz, 3rd Stone from the Sun Corporation, 70 Drums Ltd., Fats Berry, Tomoharu Yagi, Junichi Tanaka, Citta' Works Co. Ltd., Acid Rain, A-Light Inc., Lifeline, On the Line Inc., Fish Tank Club Members, Love & Media Portable Members, and You
from the photo book:
book design: Kunio Anazawa (Next Inc.)
logo design: Tomohiro Matsuda (Gradelic)
photographer Tour Parade: Masa (Alegre)
photographer On Parade: Kazuko Tanaka (Caps), Chie Kato (Caps), Hiroyasu Take, Masa (Alegre)