Releases: Side Project: Schaft

album: Dance 2 Noise 001 (booklet image)
release date: October 21, 1991
song: Nicht-Titel*
credits: song and arrangement by Imai and Maki
Hisashi: guitar
Maki: electric devices, metal
recorded and mixed by Yuuji Sugiyama
recorded and mixed at Key Stone Sound Sky Studio
directed by Junichi Tanaka
*collaborating for this song is how Schaft began

Visual Cortex
release date: ?
company: Victor Entertainment, Inc.
formats: vinyl (SLP-67)
initial price: n/a (promo)
goodies: (limited to 100 or 200 copies)
- Visual Cortex (The Reload Re-Definition)
- Merry Christmas On Mars
- SKF10047
- Cold Light (Nicht Regelrecht)
*this release is listed on as a 10" limited to 200 copies. however, lists it as a promotional 12" limited to 100 copies. this is unlikely to have been a prize for a contest as the Switch Remix contest was for 500 to win a Schaft 12" vinyl.

release date: September 21, 1994
company: Victor Entertainment, Inc.
formats: cd (VICL-567)
initial price: ¥3000
album chart ranking: #12
goodies: first copies sold came with this poster
- Olive (Fujii/Fujii/mixed by Coil: John Balance, Peter Christopherson, Drew McDowall with Danny Hyde)
- The HERO INside (Imai & Watts/Imai & Watts/mixed by John Fryer)
- Thirsty Fly (Watts/Watts/mixed by Watts)
- SKF10047 (Fujii/mixed by Autechre)
- Nothing (Watts/Imai & Watts/mixed by Watts)
- Slice (Watts/Imai & Watts/mixed by Watts)
- Broken English (Faithfull, Raynolds, Mavety, York, Stannard/Fujii & Oshima/mixed by John Fryer)
- Merry Christmas On Mars (Imai/mixed by Sugar J)
- Information (Stephens/Fujii & Stephens/mixed by Meat Beat Manifesto)
- Visual Cortex (Bramson/Imai/mixed by Coil: John Balance, Peter Christopherson, Drew McDowall with Danny Hyde)
- Fetid Air (Watts/Watts/mixed by Watts)
- Arbor Vitate (Watts/Fujii & Watts/mixed by John Fryer)
- Cold Light (Watts/Imai & Watts/mixed by Keith Le Blanc)
Hisashi Imai: guitars; vocal on "The Hero Inside"; noises
Maki Fujii: electric devices; computer programming; acoustic piano; noises
guest musician:
Raymond Watts (of Pig): computer programming; guitars; noises; vocals on "The Hero Inside", "Thirsty Fly", "Nothing", "Slice", "Fetid Air", "Arbor Vitate", "Cold Light"
additional musicians:
Susanne Bramson: vocal on "Visual Cortex"
Julianne Regan: vocal on "Broken English"
Jonny Stephens: vocal on "Information"
Lynne Hobday: spoken words on "Olive"
Steve White: guitar on "Nothing"
Cra¥ (The Mad Capsule Market's): bass on "The Hero Inside" and "Arbor Vitate"
Morota Koh (Doom): bass on "Information"
Keith Le Blanc: drums on "Thirsty Fly" and "Fetid Air"
Motokatsu (The Mad Capsule Market's): drums on "Arbor Vitate"
Seiichi Teratani: drums on "The Hero Inside"
DJ Peah: scratch on "Information"
Michiru Oshima: orchestral arrangement on "Broken English"
Kazutoshi Yokoyama: manipulate assist on "The Hero Inside", "Slice", "Merry Christmas On Mars"
produced by Schaft: Hisashi Imai & Maki Fujii (with Raymond Watts)
executive producers: Takafumi Muraki (Victor Invitaion), Takagi Osamu (Shaking Hands Inc.), Hisashi Sasaki (B-Project)
recording engineeer: Yuji Sugiyama
additional engineer: Hideaki Okuhara, Hitoshi Hiruma, Konyang, Helen Woodward, Dillon Gallagher, John Mallison, John Smith
recording studios: Victor Aoyama Studio, Inning Recording Hostelry, Master Rock Studios (UK), Ranch Apocalypse (UK), Matrix Recording Studios (UK), Livingston Studios (UK)
directors: J. Tanaka, Yoshito Kubota
UK co-ordination: Sam Corporation UK Ltd. (Steve Flood, Lynne Hobday), Blue Noise Ltd. (Yoshihiro Hoshina)

Switch Remix
release date: October 21, 1994
company: Victor Entertainment, Inc.
formats: cd (VICL-5261)
initial price: ¥2500
album chart ranking: #67
goodies: first copies sold came with 3 transparencies (Hisashi, Maki, Raymond, placed together); also came with a postcard to enter a contest where if you purchased the live video as well, 500 would win a Schaft 12" vinyl and 2000 would win a metallic sticker (the postcard didn't state the size of the vinyl, but I must've gotten the size from the video, though I have since lost the contest info from the video)
- Arbor Vitate Tilt Mix remixed by Dillon Gallagher
- Cold Light Nicht Regelrecht remixed by Fujii
- Nothing Personal remixed by Watts
- SKF10047 Life in Net Mix remixed by Logic Freaks
- Visual Cortex the Reload Re-definition remixed by Reload: Tom Middleton (Evolution Music), Mark Pritchard (MCA Music)
- Information disinFORMation remixed by Meat Beat Manifesto (words, vocal & additional production by Jonny Stephens)
- Cold Light Keim remixed by Fujii

Switchblade Visual Mix
release date: December 16, 1994
company: Victor/Invitation
formats: vhs (VIVL-139)
running time: 63 minutes
initial price: ¥4800
goodies: came with a booklet; also came with a sticker to enter a contest where if you affixed the sticker to the postcard from the remix album as, 500 would win a Schaft 12" vinyl and 2000 would win a metallic sticker (the postcard didn't state the size of the vinyl, but I must've gotten the size from the video, though I have since lost the contest info from the video)
- Olive (Skin Deep)
- SKF10047 (Dope)
- Information
- Merry Christmas On Mars (By-Product)
- Slice
- Fetid Air
- Thirsty Fly (Condense)
- The Hero Inside
- Nothing
- Arobor Vitate (Tilt Mix)
- Cold Light (Keim)
*"Olive" through "Merry Christmas On Mars" are instrumentals or vocals on tape. Raymond Watts doesn't make his appearance until "Slice".
art direction/package & logo design/image manipulation: The Designers Republic
live photography: Mikio Ariga
original photography: 'Lord' Peter Ashworth
design production co-ordination: Cross World Connections Ltd (Sarah Phillips/London; Junko Wong, Keiko Hidaka/Tokyo)
visual co-ordination: Yuichiro Soshi